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Showing posts from March, 2016

The last chapter in Kyoto--My heart will go on. 迎來京都的最終章--我心永不變。

Kyoto, a city means a lot to me. 京都,對我來説是一個很特別有著特別意義的城市。 3 years ago, after a heart broken relationship and a not pleasant living experience in Singapore, i decided to give up everything what i have back home and came Kyoto for my second new life. 3年前,經歷一段心碎的愛情一蹶不振,新加坡的生活也不像想象中順遂,我決定抛棄了一切,重新出發,到一個從未生活過的城市京都開始新人生。 The beginning of the second new life was not that easy as what i thought . Without a proper job , what i could rely on to overcome the hard time was my unyielding personality and the people who i met in Kyoto.(All Khaosan staffs, bestie Chiaki, Hung, Puileng....) 現實與理想的差異就是現實太殘忍,理想太美好。這個新人生絕對沒想象簡單。帶著爲數不多的存款,我一步一步的向前,有多少夜晚在這個城市哭泣,但鼓勵自己向前的力量就是那從小就輸不起的牛個性和周遭好友的力量支持。(你們知道你是誰,我親愛的姐姐們) Time flies, it has been 2 and the half years since the first arrival day in Kyoto. From knowing nothing about Kyoto city until became a person who is knowledgeable to give traveling advice in Kyoto, i am proud to myself that i am one of the resident here. 時間飛逝,一轉眼已經過了2年半。從一個回家都會迷路的菜鳥...

Before Sunrise ---愛本來就無所不在

Daydream delusion  Limousine Eyelash  Oh, baby with your pretty face  Drop a tear in my wineglass  Look at those big eyes  See what you mean to me  Sweet cakes and  milkshakes I am a delusion angel  I am a fantasy parade  I want you to know what I think  Don’t want you to guess anymore  You have no idea where I came from  We have no idea where we’re going  Lodged in life Like two branches in a river Flowing downstream Caught in the current I’ll carry you. You’ll carry me That’s how it could be Don’t you know me?  Don’t you know me by now? 這應該是我第一篇寫有關電影的文章。 電影還沒看完,看到一半時我就立即想把心裏的共鳴和震感寫下來。 這故事仿佛是所有曾踏上旅途的旅者的真實寫照。 在一處你不知的地方,你和不認識的陌生人搭上了話,話題可能像電影中的男女主角一樣從手上讀的是什麽書開始,也有可能是從接下來的目的的開始(Well,這不是重點)。 聊天的過程,其實雙方都有著一層層的鎖。隨著聊天過程里,漸漸對對方的思考方式有了一些頭緒,那層層枷鎖慢慢一層層褪去,對話也從一開始的客套官方回應演變成有趣調侃。 這一種看似毫不相關的邂逅,究竟會否演變成像男女主角的一日之戀還是就在火車上飛機上不了了之雖是靠個人基於造化或是緣分,但這電影一點都沒把邂逅的情節誇張化。因爲它確實就...