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在日本工作的馬來西亞人在日本懷孕了該怎麽辦? What should a Malaysian(Work visa )living in Japan do if they find out they're pregnant?


What should a Malaysian(Work visa )living in Japan do if they find out they're pregnant?


I hope the following experiences can help Malaysian who are  living in Japan. After all, when I was searching for information at that time, I could only rely on the examples of people from other countries to figure things out myself.




Sharing my personal background:

1.My husband and I are both Malaysian citizens with legal work visas in Japan (not permanent residents).

2.Both my husband and I are full-time employees (正社員).


發現懷孕的過程不外乎是:大姨媽遲到➡ 驗孕棒兩條綫➡看婦產科醫生確認宮内孕和胚胎


一種是大姨媽遲到7天之後檢驗的驗孕棒 (一般妊娠検査薬)(不需要詢問藥劑師,任何藥妝店直接購買,比較便宜,適合生理期穩定的女生)




Pregnancy Test

The process of discovering pregnancy usually involves: 

late menstruation ➡ pregnancy test showing two lines ➡ confirmation of intrauterine pregnancy and embryo by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Here, I'd like to provide some information to everyone: there are two types of pregnancy test kits in Japan:

One type is the pregnancy test taken after a delay of 7 days from the expected period (general pregnancy test kit) (no need to consult a pharmacist, can be purchased directly at any drugstore, relatively cheaper, suitable for women with stable menstrual cycles).

The other type is the early pregnancy test that can be taken on the expected date of menstruation (early pregnancy test kit) (needs to be purchased at a pharmacy or drugstore with a pharmacist, no prescription required, relatively expensive, suitable for women with unstable menstrual cycles).

My own situation: Because my menstrual cycle was unstable during that period, I directly bought an early pregnancy test kit to check for pregnancy. Actually, the reason I wanted to test for pregnancy at first was also partly intuitive, because I felt particularly dizzy that day, which was different from usual. So, during my lunch break, I went to a drugstore near my office with a pharmacist and bought a pregnancy test kit. The result of the early pregnancy test kit directly told me that I was pregnant.

The next day, to ensure that I was indeed pregnant, I bought a regular pregnancy test kit and tested again. The result also showed two lines, so actually, regular pregnancy test kits can also detect pregnancy early.







Maternity Hospital

After confirming pregnancy, it's actually not recommended to see a doctor immediately. Because if it's just 4 weeks into the pregnancy (counting from the first day of your last menstrual period), going to the hospital won't reveal much, and it would just waste money on the consultation. But it's also not advisable to wait too long to see a doctor because:

1.It's important to properly confirm the embryo and whether it's an intrauterine pregnancy.

2.You need to quickly secure a spot at a maternity hospital 

(yes, in the Tokyo area, it's like a race to secure a spot; otherwise, you won't be able to book at a hospital that offers painless delivery, is relatively affordable, and highly praised).

The recommendation is to see a doctor around 6 to 8 weeks into the pregnancy. And absolutely do not go to a gynecologist; you must immediately find an obstetrician-gynecologist . There is a totally different between the two. 

It's very difficult to get a new appointment at a maternity hospital in Tokyo, so when you confirm your pregnancy with a pregnancy test, the first thing you should do is search for the maternity hospital you want and make an appointment as soon as possible.

(My own personal painful experience is that I first went to the gynecologist I had been visiting to observe the embryo, and then the doctor confirmed the intrauterine pregnancy. Afterward, I searched for a maternity hospital, but by the time I found one that was reasonably priced, offered painless delivery, and had good reviews, all the delivery slots were taken. This led me to ultimately decide to return to Malaysia to give birth.)



我的區在我遞出懷孕表格之後,直接給我媽媽手冊,裏面有很多產檢的補助券,接下來的每一次產檢都需要帶去產院,還有就是1萬日元的*恭喜懷孕*現金券,可以用那一萬塊的現金券購買懷孕有關的商品,我最後都把券用在 赤ちゃん本舗的育嬰店。另外,區役所還會給你一大曡關於懷孕,生產,育嬰的資料,那些都需要回家好好閲讀吸收知識,在那一大曡資料裏面還有一個申請孕婦5萬日元的購物積分的表格,準媽媽要記得申請,申請后一個月,日本郵局就會把5萬日元購物積分卡寄到家裏面來。

Ward Office and Maternity Handbook

Between 8 to 11 weeks, after the doctor confirms your intrauterine pregnancy and the embryo, the doctor will instruct you that it's time for the official "maternity check-up (antenatal care)." Until your next check-up, you must go to the ward office to receive your maternity handbook. At that time, it's best to research where you can apply for the maternity handbook in your ward. Then, according to the information, submit the pregnancy form to the relevant department.

In my ward, after I submitted the pregnancy form, they directly gave me the maternity handbook. Inside, there are many vouchers for maternity check up  and for each subsequent check-up, you'll need to bring these to the maternity hospital. Additionally, there's a ¥10,000 "Congratulations on Pregnancy" cash voucher that can be used to purchase pregnancy-related items. I ended up using these vouchers at the "赤ちゃん本舗" baby store. 

Furthermore, the ward office will provide you with a large amount of information about pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare. It's important to take the time to read and absorb the knowledge from these materials. Within that comprehensive information package, there's also a form to apply for a ¥50,000 shopping point card for expectant mothers. Expectant mothers should remember to apply for it. One month after applying, the Japan Post will mail the ¥50,000 shopping point card to your home.




Timing to Inform Your Company Supervisor

Basically, after the obstetrician confirms your pregnancy and you receive the maternity handbook, you can inform your immediate supervisor that you are pregnant. 

However, if your job requires prolonged standing or lifting, I think it's best to inform your supervisor as soon as you confirm the pregnancy. Because the first three months of pregnancy are really the most unstable and exhausting. Even though I didn't have severe morning sickness, I couldn't tolerate any smells, and I even felt nauseous on the train, so it's best to avoid commuting by train if possible. I think the most challenging part of the entire pregnancy is the first three months; I was so tired and lacked energy, completely unlike my usual self.

During the first three months, you usually don't tell your colleagues or clients or other work-related contacts about your pregnancy. Usually, it's after three or four months that you gradually inform colleagues or work-related contacts with whom you have regular interaction.





Prenatal/Maternity Check-ups

The first prenatal /maternity check-up typically begins around the 11th or 12th week of pregnancy and requires the use of vouchers which given by ward office. 

The first check-up tends to be more expensive, even with vouchers, costing around 10,000 to 20,000 yen, because it involves many examinations and takes longer. Subsequent check-ups usually cost around 1,000 to 2,000 or 3,000 yen. Despite the common notion of Japan facing a declining birthrate, maternity hospitals in Tokyo are always filled with many pregnant women, especially in large comprehensive hospitals. When going for a check-up, you need to be prepared to spend several hours at the maternity hospital or clinic. Additionally, prenatal examinations in Japan are quite relaxed, and ultrasound scans are usually completed quickly. However, if you want to undergo detailed examinations such as baby genetic testing, Down syndrome screening, or detailed ultrasound scans, these are available but typically require self-payment.

Furthermore, some of the stricter checks in Japan include monitoring weight, blood pressure, and initial thyroid checks at each  check-up. I had to undergo a series of examinations by an endocrinologist because my thyroid check didn't pass initially, but fortunately, everything turned out fine.

Finally, in Japan, to protect pregnant women and babies, generally only pregnant women are allowed to enter maternity hospitals. So, fathers are unable to accompany their partners to see the baby during examinations. Every time I went for a check-up, my husband, worrying about me being alone, would wait outside the maternity hospital for one or two hours, listening to updates on the baby's condition from me. It was quite pitiful. It wasn't until we returned to Malaysia that my husband could witness the baby in the ultrasound and hear the baby's heartbeat firsthand.








Pregnant Women who are Thalassemia carrier

Lastly, I want to address the concerns of a few individuals regarding pregnant women who are Thalassemia carrier. In Japan, thalassemia carrier genes are rare. They are more commonly found in regions such as southern China (Guangdong), Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia. Therefore, testing for thalassemia carriers is not widespread in Japan, and not all obstetricians are aware of how to manage pregnant women carrying thalassemia traits (although special treatment is not necessary, most pregnant women carrying thalassemia traits tend to have lower blood hemoglobin levels, which cannot be increased solely by iron supplementation). Since I myself carry thalassemia traits, I wanted my husband to get tested in Japan. However, testing in Japan is very expensive and done in two stages, which is completely different from Malaysia.

The first test is a hemoglobin analysis and electrophoresis analysis. The second test is a DNA test. Usually, the results of the first test can provide a general idea, but Japanese hematologists will tell you that the second DNA test is necessary to confirm 100%. However, if you haven't done the first test, you cannot proceed directly to the second DNA test.

Since my husband's first test results were completely normal, the hematologist said that my husband is unlikely to be a carrier. Therefore, we did not proceed with the final DNA test. However, in my case, the first test confirmed that I am a Beta carrier with 95% certainty. (Japanese doctors will not confirm 100% unless you undergo a DNA test).

As for whether pregnant women with thalassemia traits need special treatment, it's not necessary if there are no specific symptoms. Typically, we only discover low hemoglobin levels during blood tests, and doctors will insist on iron supplementation. However, sometimes pregnant women carrying thalassemia traits do not have iron deficiency. In such cases, indiscriminate iron supplementation can actually lower hemoglobin levels. However, pregnancy itself increases the risk of iron deficiency, even for pregnant women carrying thalassemia traits. If iron deficiency occurs, supplementation is necessary. Personally, I prefer dietary supplementation, such as eating more spinach, komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), beef, lamb, duck blood, pig blood, and foods rich in vitamin C to aid iron absorption.

Since the 28th week of pregnancy, my hemoglobin levels have ranged from 9.8 to 10.7. The standard is 11.0 or higher, but I'm doing my best...

Upon returning to Malaysia, doctors and nurses at government hospitals prescribed iron supplements for me. I am yet to see the effectiveness, but I will summarize my experience with iron supplementation after giving birth and share it with everyone.



加上囘馬來西亞有家人的支持,我和我老公這個新手爸媽才會比較安心,不然只有我們兩個孤零零的在日本,面對新生兒手忙脚亂,然後又無法做月子(日本沒有坐月子的習慣,但是日本孕婦基本上都會囘娘家生孩子, 因爲娘家家人至少可以幫忙煮飯,洗衣之類的),我真的無法想象我們兩個會不會瘋掉。






5. 日本的產休得津貼,生孩子的津貼也需要好好和公司人事部研究。(我之後成功拿到津貼后也會寫文章和大家分享)

In conclusion,

I personally cannot undergo natural childbirth without epidural anesthesia, and in Japan, hospitals do not offer the option of cesarean section unless the doctor determines that you cannot deliver naturally or if the baby is in an abnormal position. Moreover, the highly-rated and reasonably priced epidural-friendly maternity hospitals in Tokyo were fully booked, so I ultimately decided to return to Malaysia to give birth.

With the support of family in Malaysia, my husband and I, as new parents, feel more reassured. Otherwise, being alone in Japan, facing the chaos of caring for a newborn without the cultural practice of confinement (postpartum recovery period), I couldn't imagine how we would cope.

Returning to Malaysia for childbirth was a significant decision:

1.It required discussions with my company regarding when to return to Malaysia and obtaining their understanding and support. Luckily, my company offers remote work, so I can work from Malaysia before my maternity leave.

2.For safety reasons, pregnant women are advised not to fly too close to their due date. I chose to fly back to Malaysia from Japan at 27 weeks of pregnancy.

3.Bringing the baby back to Japan also involves many procedures, which my husband, who works in Japan, had to handle step by step.

4.Finding doctors, hospitals, and registering pregnancy information at government hospitals in Malaysia also posed many challenges and procedures.

5.Regarding maternity leave allowances in Japan and childbirth benefits, thorough discussions with the company's HR department are necessary. (I will share my experience of successfully obtaining these benefits later.)



Here, I have concluded my journey from discovering my pregnancy in September 2023 to returning to Malaysia in 2024. The next piece will be sharing how I found a maternity hospital in Malaysia and my experiences with prenatal check-ups at government hospitals.

Thank you for reading my article.


  1. 路過一遊,


    1. 感謝你的補充。希望其他讀者讀到你的補充點能幫助他們做決定。

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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